Geriatric Pet Care

Geriatric Pet Care

When an older animal is in their advanced years for their species and breed and has a list of several ongoing health issues that need treatment, that pet is considered geriatric. At Lakeville Animal Hospital, we have been providing pet owners in Lakeville, MA with reliable geriatric pet care services for many years. Read on to learn more about what we can do for your geriatric pet and what you can do at home.

How to Know When Your Pet is Geriatric

Animals age differently than humans do. For every year they live, any pains and aches they feel are compounded. Many animals do not display pain the way humans do and are less likely to complain when they aren't feeling well. It is essential to understand your pet's medical history and to take note when of behavioral changes.  When you start noticing more pains, aches, changes in behavior, and reduced activity levels, your pet is likely crossing over into the geriatric stage.

Geriatric Pet Care Requires More Vet Visits

We recommend geriatric pets visit the veterinarian twice per year. Additional blood work and monitoring will be necessary to ward off diseases and treat current ones. Dental cleaning and teeth removal will become vital to prevent mouth pain and periodontal disease.

Our veterinarian may also recommend measures you can take on your own to ensure your geriatric pet lives a comfortable life, including:

  • Changing to a different blend of food
  • Switching to prescription pet food that breaks up kidney stones and helps to soothe other ailments
  • Adding pet-designed anti-inflammatories to help with ongoing pain and swelling
  • Orthopedic or other surgery as necessary

Geriatric Pets Need Additional Care at Home

When your pet becomes geriatric, it will need more attention. There may be medicines to administer, walks may take longer, and more. Your pet will need more quality time as you rest together. You will need to be more mindful of slippery surfaces in your home. Adding non-slip materials to wood or tile floors and anchoring down throw rugs can help prevent hip injuries. Keeping walkways free of objects, accumulated ice, snow, and other preventative methods will need to be taken. You may also need to move your pet’s bedding if it cannot use stairs anymore.

Contact Our Veterinarian in Lakeville for Geriatric Pet Care

If you are looking for geriatric pet care in Lakeville, contact Lakeville Animal Hospital today. Call us at (508) 947-1309 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian.  

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8:30 am-7:00 pm


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8:30 am-1:00 pm




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Read What Our Clients Say

  • "I'm so pleased with the experience I had at lakeville animal hospital. I am traveling with my dog from northern Maine to visit family and my dog had been sick for 3 days. She couldn't keep any food or water down. Long story short I called lakeville animal hospital and they were able to squeeze Aspen in later on in the day. Turns out the reason Aspen had been sick was that she had atleast one blockage in her intestines. They immediately sent us to a 24 hour emergency vet in Swansea for a surgery. Aspen is now out of surgery with 2 incisions in her intestines and 1 in her stomach. Being a long way from home with a sick puppy is not fun and is quite stressful. But I'm thankful the crew at lakeville animal hospital was able to see her so soon, take X-rays, give her a diagnosis, and make a recommendation for a 24 hour surgery facility."
    Rachel G. Lakeville, MA

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